Justin's story
Faith's story
Kiana's story

Sean's story

richard's story
Viña Grandview
O Come O Come Emmanuel
Heaven & Earth Music

Ali & Spring's story

During the lesson, a student who doesn’t even believe in God stopped class to pose a spiritual question. She asked, “What does it mean when Christians say, ‘I was touched by God.’?” A Christian student and I both shared a little bit with her about what being “touched by God” means to us, and how we don’t always feel God close to us even though we believe he is. I then shared how I felt God was there with us as we were talking together. I offered to pray for her if she wanted a touch from God, and she said, “Yes, you can pray for me now.” After we prayed, she asked about the Bible. I offered to bring one for her. She requested an English translation so she could study it and learn what it’s about as she learns English. So, our little English class turned into a “touch from God.”

Annual Impact
Fiscal Year 2022–2023
Areas of Impact Fiscal Year 2022-23
baptisms & commitments to christ
experiencing god
NextGen: Kids & Students
residency program & Campus Launch
The Story Continues

Community outreach
Global Missions

Across campuses, signs of life—new visitors, first-time salvations, baptisms, and new members—are all steadily increasing, praise be to God!
We regularly pray during our offering liturgy that we are determined to increase in generosity until it can be said that there is no needy person among us. This is our prayer… No child in need of care. No pregnant 17-year-old in need of support and mentoring. No refugee family in need of heat in their home. No young adult in need of medical services. No hungry soul in need of the Gospel of Christ. In our world, there is overwhelming need, and we want to partner with Christ to heal the world!
For Christians, no matter what age, practicing generosity by regularly financial giving is God’s clear intention for all believers (read this article to understand why we encourage regular giving).
Vineyard Columbus is growing, healthy, and having Kingdom impact in Columbus and throughout the world, but we have a need for more of our members to rise to the Kingdom call before us and step into regular and faithful generosity.
Would you take a moment right now, and consider what you can commit to give to the Lord through Vineyard Columbus?
- If you are not giving to the work of Vineyard Columbus at all, would you start today?
- If you are giving but not yet tithing to the Lord through Vineyard, could you make a commitment to move toward giving the first tenth of your income to the Lord?
- If you have not set up recurring giving, would you consider setting up a recurring gift to Vineyard Columbus? You can set up a recurring gift by clicking the button below.
We hope that the stories in this impact report encourage you, and that you’ll continue to be on mission with us to develop multiethnic communities of disciples who experience God, love one another, and partner with Christ to heal the world!