team of people leading worhsip


Northeast Columbus
Returning? Welcome Back!

New to Westerville?

Welcome to Westerville Campus, a Jesus-centered community in the heart of Northeast Columbus!

A Church Near You in Westerville | New Albany | Gahanna | Worthington | Lewis Center

Vineyard Columbus Westerville campus entrance

What We Are All About

At Vineyard Columbus – Westerville Campus we exist to develop multi-ethnic communities of disciples who experience God, love one another and partner with Christ to heal the world. Here you can get connected deeper into relationships through small groups, serve our city through various volunteer opportunities and gather together as a church family on Sunday mornings.

What to Expect

We want you to feel comfortable your first time here with us! Grab a drink from the café, then take in a down to earth message from the Bible with powerful music and an opportunity to receive prayer during the 75-minute service. There is a place for YOU and your whole family. If you want to know more, check out our Welcome page.

Ways to Plug In

Service Times
Sundays at 9 & 11am
6000 Cooper Road, Westerville, OH 43081
Follow on Social
Eric and Julia Pickerill
Eric and Julia Pickerill
Co-Senior Pastors

Welcome home.

We pray you experience the peace and goodness of Christ here.

Perhaps you're a life-long church-goer... or maybe this is the first time you've even contemplated stepping foot inside a church. Either way, you're in good company. If you're curious or cynical, our door is always open. If you're passionate and looking for mission, you're welcome here. We believe that God is real, and that when we encounter him, everything changes. Our prayer is that you would find faith, hope, and love at Westerville Campus... we are so glad you are here.

Westerville Team

Adrienne Ash
Adrienne Ash
Westerville Community Pastor
Irene Casale-Petrarca
Irene Casale-Petrarca
Viña Westerville Campus Pastor
Santos Chaparro
Santos Chaparro
Central Next Gen Pastor
Hannah Chaparro
Hannah Chaparro
Central Next Gen Pastor
Myra Gaiters
Myra Gaiters
Pastor of Early Childhood
Eric Gonzalez
Eric Gonzalez
Pastor of Next Steps & Outreach, Viña Westerville
Gregg Hay
Gregg Hay
Central Small Groups Pastor
Daniel Hernández
Daniel Hernández
Pastor of International Ministries
Sydney Humphries
Sydney Humphries
Kids Ministry
Maddie Johnson
Maddie Johnson
VC Students Pastor - Westerville Campus
Kyla Johnson
Kyla Johnson
VC Students Ministry Assistant
Ricky Kelley
Ricky Kelley
VC Students Pastoral Resident
Dan Kidd
Dan Kidd
Pastor of Discipleship
Jason Loehr
Jason Loehr
Pastor of Marriage & Family
Joshua Miller
Joshua Miller
Associate Pastor of Ministries and Pastor of Weekend and Worship
Brooke Simwero
Brooke Simwero
Westerville Small Groups Pastoral Resident
Jerome Smith
Jerome Smith
Pastor of Vineyard Community Center
Rhonda Trupiano
Rhonda Trupiano
Pastor of Elementary

This Week at Westerville

Be Still Podcast

A Daily Devotional

During this season of lent take time each day to pause, absorb scripture, and be still. Our daily devotional podcast is a great way to silence the noise and connect with our Savior in a fresh way.

Vineyard Columbus Easter Festival

Sat, Apr 5 | 11am-1pm

Join us for an Easter celebration. Activities include free egg hunts divided by age group, bounce houses, face painting, games, farm animals, cookie decorating and more. Food is available for purchase. Bring your Easter basket and invite a friend!

Upcoming Events at Westerville

In Case You Missed It | Westerville

Latest Message from our Campus Pastor
Lift Up Your Eyes | Paul Cullen
Abide, A Journey Through John 15
Mar 23
Paul Cullen

¿Hablas Español?

Domingos a las 11am

Viña Chapel Entrance