Our Mission
To develop a multi-ethnic community of young, resilient disciples who discover God, be a good friend to one another, and become more like Jesus to bring light to the world.

Baby Dedication
Baby Dedication provides parents and caregivers with an opportunity to publicly present their child(ren) to the Lord. Here, parents reiterate their own commitment to follow Jesus, to regularly attend and serve in a Christian church, and pledge to raise their child(ren) in an environment that will be conducive and one day making his or her own decision to become a disciple of Jesus. The next baby dedication ceremonies will take place across all of our campuses on:
Sunday, May 11, 2025
Completing a Baby Dedication class (details below) is a requirement to participate in the ceremony.
If you have questions or need additional information, contact Myra Gaiters: Call 614-259-5375 or email us.
Interested in dedicating your child(ren)?
- Complete a Baby Dedication class (details below).
- Fill out our Baby Dedication Application and email it to our Baby Dedication team.

Early Childhood Programming
During the Sunday morning services, we offer preschool and nursery ministry (birth – kindergarten), including those with special needs.
We will gather in their age-appropriate classrooms for worship, teaching, and a craft or activity.
Our Environments
There are four kinds of environments for kids in our ministry. Each one is designed to strategically invite kids and families on a journey into deeper relationships with their peers, our adult volunteers, and Jesus. Each one is designed with every kid in mind — the kids who’ve grown up in church and the first-time visitors, too.
Throughout the year, we’ll host events designed to help kids connect with each other, with their families, and with their small group leaders. Special events will often be the place where kids or families walk into our ministry for the very first time.
Weekly Programs
Our weekly programs happen every single week. They’re designed to help kids grow spiritually in four key areas. (We’ll get to those in a minute.)
Small Group
Small groups are the most important part of what we do. They happen every week in our programs and are designed to connect every kid with a consistent trustworthy adult and community of their peers.
Sensory Break Room
This space, staffed with knowledgeable and compassionate leaders, is designed for kids who need a calmer and quieter environment during weekend programming. It’s a more therapeutic place providing kids with personalized sensory activities and programming.
Safety Guidelines
The safety of your child is a priority for our ministry, so we wanted to get you in the loop on how we plan to care for and protect them.
- We Screen Leaders – Before any leader is permitted to serve with us, they undergo an application and interview process, including a criminal background check.
- We Set Boundaries – We have set a number of guidelines for our kids’ ministry staff and leaders. As a parent, you can help us make sure your child is well cared for by helping us maintain these boundaries.
- We Have Strict Pick-Up and Drop-Off Policies – Kids are under the care and supervision of their parents/caregiver until they are checked in to our children’s ministry. We require all kids 5th grade and under to be checked in by a parent or caregiver and escorted to their class by the parent or guardian.
- We Take Safety Seriously – Because we take the safety of your kids very seriously, and we screen and background check all the adults working with them, please see a member of our host team for a guest pass if you want to be in the class with your child.
- We Consider Allergies – Due to the risk of allergies, we do not allow outside foods in the classrooms. If your child has a medical need or allergy, let the leader and a member of our host team know. We cannot administer any medications. When food and drink are used in our ministry classrooms, an allergy alert sign will be posted.
- We Page Parents – If we need to get a hold of you at any point during the service, we will first text the parent/caregiver.
- We Have Emergency Procedures – Our church has emergency procedures posted in every classroom and leaders are trained for weather emergencies, medical emergencies, evacuations, and predator situations. If an emergency occurs, kids will not be released until the area is cleared and the parents have the claim sticker.
- We Report Dangerous Situations – Our church policy is to report any signs or suspicions of child abuse or neglect.

Elementary Programming
During the Sunday morning services, we offer kids ministry to elementary-aged children (first – fifth grade), including those with special needs.
At Westerville Campus, we will gather for large group worship and teaching, and then break down into small groups of 30 kids or fewer by grade.
At all other campuses, kids will gather in their age-appropriate classrooms for worship, teaching, and a craft or activity.
Our Environments
There are four kinds of environments for kids in our ministry. Each one is designed to strategically invite kids and families on a journey into deeper relationships with their peers, our adult volunteers, and Jesus. Each one is designed with every kid in mind — the kids who’ve grown up in church and the first-time visitors, too.
Throughout the year, we’ll host events designed to help kids connect with each other, with their families, and with their small group leaders. Special events will often be the place where kids or families walk into our ministry for the very first time.
Weekly Programs
Our weekly programs happen every single week. They’re designed to help kids grow spiritually in four key areas. (We’ll get to those in a minute.)
Small Group
Small groups are the most important part of what we do. They happen every week in our programs and are designed to connect every kid with a consistent trustworthy adult and community of their peers.
Sensory Break Room
This space, staffed with knowledgeable and compassionate leaders, is designed for kids who need a calmer and quieter environment during weekend programming. It’s a more therapeutic place providing kids with personalized sensory activities and programming.
Safety Guidelines
The safety of your child is a priority for our ministry, so we wanted to get you in the loop on how we plan to care for and protect them.
- We Screen Leaders – Before any leader is permitted to serve with us, they undergo an application and interview process, including a criminal background check.
- We Set Boundaries – We have set a number of guidelines for our kids’ ministry staff and leaders. As a parent, you can help us make sure your child is well cared for by helping us maintain these boundaries.
- We Have Strict Pick-Up and Drop-Off Policies – Kids are under the care and supervision of their parents/caregiver until they are checked in to our children’s ministry. We require all kids 5th grade and under to be checked in by a parent or caregiver and escorted to their class by the parent or guardian.
- We Take Safety Seriously – Because we take the safety of your kids very seriously, and we screen and background check all the adults working with them, please see a member of our host team for a guest pass if you want to be in the class with your child.
- We Consider Allergies – Due to the risk of allergies, we do not allow outside foods in the classrooms. If your child has a medical need or allergy, let the leader and a member of our host team know. We cannot administer any medications. When food and drink are used in our ministry classrooms, an allergy alert sign will be posted.
- We Page Parents – If we need to get a hold of you at any point during the service, we will first text the parent/caregiver.
- We Have Emergency Procedures – Our church has emergency procedures posted in every classroom and leaders are trained for weather emergencies, medical emergencies, evacuations, and predator situations. If an emergency occurs, kids will not be released until the area is cleared and the parents have the claim sticker.
- We Report Dangerous Situations – Our church policy is to report any signs or suspicions of child abuse or neglect.

Accessibility & Inclusion Accommodations
A core value at Vineyard Columbus is that everybody gets to play! We offer a wide variety of groups, programs, services and curriculum to make each facet of church life accessible and inclusive. We believe that every person was created in God's image and has gifts and talents to share with the rest of the body of Christ.
Parallel Journey’s
Parallel Journey’s is a small group/support group for parents and caregivers of an individual affected by disability. We meet the 1st Friday of each month at the Westerville campus in room B.01. No registration is necessary, but please contact a member of our Accessibility & Inclusion team for childcare.
Joyful Noise
Joyful Noise is a worship service designed for people of all ages and abilities. The only rule is that there is no shushing allowed! Everyone can feel the freedom to express themselves in worship at Joyful Noise. We meet the 4th Thursday of each month in the Youth Room located in the Community Center from 7–8:30 pm. No registration is required.
Sensory Break Room
The sensory break room (SBR) provides an alternative environment for children ages 4–11 who need a break from their typical classroom. This therapeutic environment provides a quieter, calmer environment with small student-to-leader ratios. VC offers an SBR at our Westerville, Sawmill, and East campuses.
Buddy Ministry
Buddies act as an extra set of hands and eyes for students who need a 1-1 ratio in order to flourish in a typical classroom with their peers. Please contact a member of our Accessibility & Inclusion for more information about securing a buddy. We offer buddies at all campuses, on an as needed basis.
Body Builders
Body Builders is a Sunday school class geared towards teens and adults with intellectual developmental disabilities. It takes place at 9am at the Westerville campus in room C.03.
Student Night
VC Students offers buddy support and specialized crews (small groups) for students affected by disabilities at our Westerville campus, and buddy support cross campuses. Reach out to your student campus coordinator for more information.
For more information, please contact a member of our Accessibility & Inclusion team.

Parent Resources
Hey There!
We know being a parent is one of the hardest jobs on the planet, but it’s also the greatest thing you will ever do.
We know your job isn’t always easy, but here’s what we want you to know: we’re here to help in any way we can. We may be a children’s ministry, but that doesn’t mean kids are the only people we care about. We care about you too!
No matter how connected (or not connected) you are with our church, our Parent Handbook will show you some of the ways we’re trying to care for your kid and serve you at the same time. Thanks for letting us be another voice in the life of your child. Your trust and partnership means a lot to us. We can’t wait to see what this year has in store!
— Your VC Kids Team
We strive to provide the best experience for our kids. If you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact us at any time.