A couple walking across a grassy field holding hands

Marriage + Family

Coming Up
Alpha Us Marriage Course - Pickerington Campus
Alpha Us Marriage Course - Pickerington Campus
Apr 2, 2025
6:30 pm
8:30 pm

This 7-week course aims to equip couples with tools to build a healthy marriage. It's a weekly date night that includes music and food coupled with empowering messages that encourages communication between couples. The goal of attending this course is to strengthen the connection between you and your spouse, or to restore that connection you may feel has been lost, over time.

All sessions will be at the Pickerington Campus.

Learn more at AlphaUs!

Alpha Class
Marriage & Family
Serve at this event
Baby Dedication
Baby Dedication
May 11, 2025
9:00 am
12:30 pm

Baby Dedication provides parents and caregivers with an opportunity to publicly present their child(ren) to the Lord. Here, parents reiterate their own commitment to follow Jesus, to regularly attend and serve in a Christian church, and pledge to raise their child(ren) in an environment that will be conducive and one day making his or her own decision to become a disciple of Jesus.

Completing a Baby Dedication class is a requirement to participate in the ceremony. Learn more about classes and the application form by going to our VC Kids page and clicking the Baby Dedication tab.

Baby Dedication
VC Kids
Marriage & Family
Serve at this event
April 2023 | Flourishing Relationships
April 2023 | Flourishing Relationships
April 6, 2023

One of the things I value most about Vineyard Columbus is our invitation to “come as you are”, while providing next steps for continued growth.

Why I Love Alpha Us
Why I Love Alpha Us
September 6, 2022

After a lot of hard work and preparation, Vineyard Columbus is a few weeks away from launching its first all-church Alpha campaign.

COVID’s Effects on Marriage
COVID’s Effects on Marriage
June 3, 2021

One of the biggest areas impacted by the COVID-19 epidemic has been marriage & family relationships. I look at the last fourteen months as a Generational Storm that will take years to fully understand its impact on relationships and family life.

You Are Equipped to Disciple Your Kids
You Are Equipped to Disciple Your Kids
September 3, 2020

In spite of all the confusion and anxiety swirling around us, it is crucial to remember that we serve a God who is always the same, He never changes. He is not confused or surprised by this.

Tips for Distance Learning
Tips for Distance Learning
September 3, 2020

Sherry, a long-time homeschooler, shares ways to create amazing memories and ways parents can even thrive with homeschooling.

Your Marriage & the Pandemic
Your Marriage & the Pandemic
July 30, 2020

Every time I hear the term, "new normal", it implies that many of the things I enjoy about life are unavailable and may never return. The pandemic has robbed so many people of peace, security, and purpose that it triggers a survival instinct.

Listen to the Discussions

A photo of a microphone with the words "The In Between" overlaid