At Vineyard Columbus we are dependent on the leading and empowering of the Holy Spirit.
Vineyard Columbus borrows from both the Evangelical and Charismatic movements: we’re self-described empowered evangelicals. We believe in a “naturally supernatural” approach to the Christian life. We believe God fills us with his Spirit so that we may be empowered to live the Christian life and follow Jesus Christ. We believe the Bible is clear about the gifts of the Spirit being for today. We believe that a person can truly be transformed into a new creation by the power of God’s Spirit at work in them. To that end, Empowered Life Ministry offers events and classes to help you experience the Holy Spirit and being led by the Spirit to impart the Spirit to others.
Need Prayer?
We have several different ways you can reach out to us for prayer.
Text “PRAY” to 98977
When we receive your text someone will contact you within 24 hours to pray for you over the phone. During a live service someone will contact you within 15 minutes.
Open Prayer for Healing
Open Prayer for Healing is open to anyone with a need for physical or emotional healing and releasing freedom from hard to overcome patterns of behavior in your life. No appointment is necessary. Sessions end promptly at 11am so please allow enough time for the prayer team to effectively pray for you. If you are interested in joining the prayer team, please email Eric Gonzalez for further information about the ministry.
In-Person is the 2nd & 4th Saturdays at Westerville Campus. There are NO PRAYER SESSIONS on first and fifth Saturdays.
Facebook Prayer Page
Visit our Facebook Prayer page where you can request prayer, pray for people, or simply tell us what God has done in your life.
Join Facebook GroupPrayer Request Form
Simply fill out the prayer request form linked below and someone will contact you within 24 hours to pray for you over the phone.
Request PrayerGet Involved
We have many opportunities for you to be a part of our prayer ministry.
Prayer Ministry Team and Text to Pray
You will have the opportunity to pray for others after service and meetings. If you would like to become a member of this team, please contact us (you must have completed the Welcome to Vineyard class and either a Reality or prayer training class).
Intercessory Prayer
We have multiple groups that meet for intercessory prayer throughout the week. Join a group today! For more information or to join a group, please contact us.