Relationship Coaching
Relationship Coach Training
Become a Dating, Premarital, Marriage, or Parent Coach
Are you looking for an adventure where you can serve together with your spouse, in your own home, around your own schedule? Are you a single parent or couple who has a heart for helping people grow in their relationship skills and the knowledge of God’s grace in their relationships?
Relationship coaching is the heart of our Marriage & Family Life Ministry. Couples learn best when they have a model to follow. Coaching is an effective way to empower couples to develop healthy patterns in their relationship.
Relationship coaches receive training and resources (including an online relationship inventory) to share with other couples the grace God has deposited in their own relationship. Relationship coaches meet 4-6 times with dating, engaged, or married couples and parents. Join our community of coaches, and experience a deeper sense of God’s love, grace, and truth in your own relationship.
If you are interested in becoming a relationship coach, please contact Marriage + Family at 614.259.5365 for more info about our upcoming trainings.
LIMRI Inventory

The Life in Motion Relationships Inventory (LIMRI) is an online assessment tool that measures friendship and shared values in dating, engaged, marriage and parenting relationships. The LIMRI is a reliable and valid instrument which is used in our Relationship Coaching Ministry. It generates personalized worksheets and growth plans that have shown to increase relationship satisfaction. Couples can find more information about the LIMRI by going to
Marriage + Family