Support Groups
What is a Life Support
Support groups at Vineyard Columbus consist of people with common experiences and concerns who provide emotional, spiritual, and moral support for one another. While all believers are called upon to come alongside of each other in this way, members of a support group intentionally gather on a regular basis to ensure this happens in their lives in ways that might not naturally occur. These groups are led by trained volunteers who are there to help minister insight, healing, and spiritual growth in difficult seasons or situations. Some groups are time-limited and follow a set curriculum, while others are ongoing and focus on the present needs of the participants.
Support groups are not the same as group therapy sessions. Group therapy is a formal type of mental health treatment that brings together several people with similar conditions under the guidance of a trained mental health provider.
To find a support group, check the list below. To discuss the possibility of leading one, please contact our support group team.
Women’s Groups
Hearts Restored Recovery Class
Where: Westerville Campus
Contact: Email us for upcoming dates and registration.
Hearts Restored Recovery Class is a class for women dealing with sexual betrayal. In these six weeks, you will gain the knowledge and some tools to jumpstart your recovery from the devastation of your new journey. This class is open to all women, regardless of their marital status or the nature of the sexual betrayal. We will cover topics such as dealing with anger, setting boundaries, controlling triggers, learning healthy detachment, grieving losses, surviving betrayal trauma and will learn how to practice good self-care and more!
The Hearts Restored ministry is facilitated by women who understand the devastating effects of sexual betrayal and desire to walk alongside other women who have been wounded. We believe that regardless of your circumstances, God is big enough to bring healing into your life. All communication is confidential.
Please email us for upcoming session dates, or to register. A brief questionnaire & confidentiality agreement is required to participate.
Free childcare is available (ages 1-12); pre-registration is required.
Men’s Groups
180 – Men's Ministry Group
When: Mondays, 7–9pm
Contact: Rob T.
180 exists to help men who struggle with sexual brokenness find healing through Jesus and his Holy Spirit and grow in a healthy relationship with God our Father. This ongoing ministry is open to all men, meets weekly throughout the year, and emphasizes both the healing power of God and the personal responsibility of men to do whatever it takes to live a life of purity. The evening includes worship, teaching, small group accountability, mentoring and healing prayer.
Co-ed Groups
Celebrate Recovery
When: Fridays, 6:30–9pm
Contact: Leeta
Celebrate Recovery is a biblical, Christ-centered recovery fellowship for those desiring to heal from any addictive, compulsive or destructive behavior – hurts, habits or hang-ups. At Celebrate Recovery you will find a safe place to share pain, struggles, victories, and hope with others focused on Christ-centered recovery. Meetings include a time of worship, teaching, sharing and fellowship. Come experience God’s love and power to transform!
Foster and Adoptive Parents
Support Group
When: 3rd Tuesdays, 7-8:45pm
Contact: Marriage Ministry
If you are a foster or adoptive parent, join us for a monthly time of support, teaching, prayer and encouragement. Childcare is available (ages 1-12) - please register for specific date on the Events page.
For additional information, please contact Support for Life.