The Culture Conference, February 13-15, is an annual 3-day event where students in 6th –12th grade from across the city and beyond are invited to come together and experience a hope that comes at the speed of light through Jesus.
We live in a world filled with shadows, where uncertainty and struggle can feel overwhelming. But even in the darkest moments, the smallest flicker of light brings hope. Light moves at an incredible speed—so fast that it instantly overcomes the darkness.
This year’s youth conference, Hope in the Speed of Light, is about discovering how the light of Jesus transforms everything. He is not only the source of hope but the lens through which we see the world. He has already overcome the darkness, and He invites us to walk in His light and reflect it to others.
We want every student to experience the hope of God in their hardest moments—to know that His light is real, powerful, and present. Encourage the students in your life to join us for an unforgettable weekend of worship, teaching, and encountering the light of Jesus! Register and find out more now at
Testimonies from the 2024 Culture Conf.
Here is a collection of stories and quotes about how God showed up last year at the conference.
A Story of Transformation: Kaylee’s Testimony (raised in a Buddhist family, but found faith through Alpha)
“I was literally worrying so much about my personality and how to be interesting and never felt enough. The breakout session about friendship spoke directly to me. We learned to "be interested in others rather than consumed with being interesting” and to remember that every single person is loved, valued, and is an image bearer of God. Because I am moving to Florida, I've been feeling very concerned, and worried about my future and calling and making friends - but when I went to receive prayer I was calmed, reminded of my worth and how much God values me and has a good plan for my life. I loved Mr. Charles Montgomery's message about how I don't have to be so concerned with meeting the standards of the world, that there is a God who loves us so much, that we don't have to strive to be 'worth enough’ for Him to die for us. That He already values us to the point of death. So yeah, the culture conference was such an enriching and filling experience for my heart, and I am so grateful to God for all the people working to organize it and their time and how God worked through this weekend.”
A Warm Encounter: Faith’s Experience (8th grade)
“I experienced God the most through worship - I just felt in the zone and felt like He was giving me a warm hug.”
A Parent’s Reflection: Jason’s Perspective
“My goal as a parent is to make Christianity a possibility for my kids and their kids. I want to pass on the best of the Kingdom. On the way home from the conference one night, Alex said he loves the church! We tell him all the time the church is a safe space. The conference reinforced this vision we have for him!”
A Life Changed: High School Student from Michigan
One of our high school attenders had a difficult childhood, marked by multiple expulsions from schools due to fighting, relationship drama, and running away. Initially, she reluctantly attended the conference, staying on her phone, disengaged, and uninterested. However, a Vineyard Columbus staff member noticed her spending time alone and reached out to her. During their conversation, she opened up about her struggles with mental health and thoughts of suicide. They spent two hours talking and praying together. Later in the day, she began filling a notebook with goals she wanted to pursue when she returned home to hold herself accountable. She also started sharing openly with her church group about her struggles and is now leaning into all that God has for her. Although she had been part of her church for years, it was through the care and support of another adult from a different church in a different city that God was able to meet her in a powerful way.
Don’t miss this opportunity to send a student in your life to this conference! We have also day passes for Thursday night, Friday and Saturday. Register now or just show up at the door.