A letter from Pastor Daniel Hernández.
One of the highlights of last year for me was to be able to go on a mission trip to Spain. Even though it is considered a hard place for missionaries and pastors to preach the Gospel, it was refreshing to see Viña churches growing and sharing the Good News of Jesus in their context. It was equally refreshing to get to know congregants that share our Vineyard values and expressions, even when we were discipled miles away from each other. The tag line we use at Viña Grandview campus became more real for me: ¡Somos Family!
What I did not expect to find in Spain was the realization that we are connected to a bigger family history. I know that we are part of the historic Church and that the Church was part of God’s plan to continue the ministry of Jesus, but there is something special when you set foot in churches that are over 1000 years old or when you find yourself singing worship songs on plazas where Christians were killed during the inquisition, and even more, when you are able to witness thousands of pilgrims arriving to Santiago Cathedral where the remains of the Apostle James is supposed to be resting.
It was impossible to not wonder: How many prayers were lifted in these places? How many times was the “Lord’s prayer” recited in some of these pews? How many times did Christians gather to worship God, to pray and seek wisdom in these places throughout history? As of today, the Santiago Cathedral still offers daily masses. Many people gather in one of their four services and recite the Apostle’s creed together as part of their liturgy.
What a different appreciation I had when weeks later, we read the Apostle’s creed before communion! We are in a different setting, no wooden pews, but we are pronouncing the same words Christians have pronounced since the early Church. It is encouraging to know that the Church was created and sustained by the Holy Spirit, and He will continue empowering us in the mission of Jesus.
What I wanted to share in these lines is that, in the middle of a changing world, new technologies, fast pace and love for what is new and trendy, it is a good thing to remember our history and what could be better than participating in our Church’s historical seasons like Lent, Easter, and Advent. I would encourage you, this Lent season, to visit https://easter.vineyardcolumbus.org and participate in our church events with gratitude and humility as we have inherited so many blessings from those before us. Also, let us awaken the excitement and hope that comes knowing that we have something to give to those who will come after us. We are family! multiethnic, multilingual, multigenerational, and historic.