The Message version of Genesis 1:26 (MSG) says this.
God spoke: “Let us make human beings in our image, make them
reflecting our nature
So they can be responsible for the fish in the sea,
the birds in the air, the cattle,
And, yes, Earth itself,
and every animal that moves on the face of Earth.”
While I was in college, I rented an apartment. I was a tenant, temporarily taking responsibility for someone else's property. And if I neglected the property, I risked not getting my security deposit back. I was obligated to take care of the property during the time of my lease.
Likewise, Christians are tenants of the earth. This is our temporary home. And as we await the return of Jesus, we have a moral obligation to steward the earth as tenants of this good creation.
There is overwhelming evidence of changes to our weather patterns and air quality. Water pollution has increased, and we’re overusing the land’s resources. As God’s Church, we should be on the front lines of caring for his creation.
It is easy to feel overwhelmed and not know where to begin. I would like to offer a few starting points, examples from my own creation care journey. These are meant to jumpstart your journey.
I was honest with God. “Hey God, I am not sure what I believe about my response to your scriptures about the earth and creation. Will you help me figure it out?”
I began to inventory my use of resources and how it affects other people - shopping patterns, household energy usage, household food waste. And I spent time outside being in nature - watching birds and stars and finding the presence of God in his creation.
The Vineyard Creation Care ministry partners with the Evangelical Environmental Network (EEN). I started on their website at I listen to podcasts and read articles and sermons about the Christian response to the environment. And I started asking a new set of questions before making purchases.
Confession and Repentance
I confessed to God that I overused plastic, and I was wasting a lot of food each week. I prayed, “God, will you forgive me and help me find ways to steward my resources better?”
Do Something (Start Today)
I decided to switch out my plastic containers for glass containers. I attend monthly creation care meetings and events, and I put myself in spaces to learn more about conservation and thoughtful consumerism. I am being more thoughtful about the amount of food I purchase. And I compost our food waste.
We can ask corporations and governments to adjust to how they produce products that will affect our city, state, nation, and world. I signed up for the shareable EEN advocacy emails that I can send to our elected officials to suggest policy changes.
The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it.
-Genesis 2:15 NIV
We have a moral obligation to care about all people and be concerned about sustaining God’s creation. Join the Vineyard Creation Care ministry today and work with us to steward and conserve the earth's resources in better ways while partnering with Christ to heal the world.
**Interested in Creation Care? Email Jenney Rice here.